The eldest daughter of Sir Robert Ho Tung, the first female Justice of the Peace (JP) in Hong Kong. Strived to promote female education for fullfilling her mother’s will
Lady Victoria Ho was the eldest daughter of Sir Robert Ho Tung and Lady Clara. She endeavored to promote female education in Hong Kong and had successfully expanded the capacity and curriculum of the Po Kok School after WWII.
Not only donating money for the expansion, but also organising fund-raising activities to meet the budget. Fortunately, along with the subsidy of the government, the new school building in front of Tung Lin Kok Yuen eventually constructed in 1951. Including the Lin Kok Memorial Building in 1954 and the Man Kam Memorial Building in 1961, Lady Victory Ho’s contribution is remarkable.
Moreover, Lady Victory Ho always subsidized the Po Kok students to have a better school life, e.g. the teacher appreciation banquet and school trip. During the 1964 water rationing in Hong Kong, she provided each student 2 sets of school uniform for free. All of these showed the selflessness of Lady Victory Ho towards the children.